Problem and Opportunity

The Tooro region of Uganda faces a significant environmental threat: According to the Ugandan government, over 99% of communities surrounding Central Forest Reserves rely on firewood and charcoal for cooking. This dependence on woody biomass fuels deforestation, harming these vital ecosystems and the communities that depend on them.

Tooro Environment Stewardship for Sustainable Development (TESSD) is launching the Clean Cooking Solutions project to address this challenge. Our approach builds upon successful initiatives implemented in other countries:

  • Improved Biomass Cookstoves: These stoves utilize wood or agricultural waste more efficiently, reducing fuel consumption and harmful emissions.
  • Biogas Digesters: By converting organic waste into biogas, these systems provide clean fuel for cooking and lighting while reducing reliance on firewood and creating valuable fertilizer.
  • Solar Cookers: Leveraging abundant sunshine, solar cookers offer a sustainable and fuel-free option for daytime cooking.
  • Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Stoves: These stoves require access to LPG canisters but offer clean, efficient cooking with minimal emissions.

We also seek innovative and practical solutions to reduce reliance on woody biomass for cooking in these communities.

This project aligns with the Ugandan government’s commitment to environmental sustainability. By promoting clean cooking solutions, we aim to:

  • Reduce deforestation: Decreasing reliance on woody biomass will help protect the vital Central Forest Reserves in the Tooro region.
  • Improve health: Clean cooking technologies and practices can significantly reduce indoor air pollution, leading to better health outcomes for community members.
  • Empower communities: Sustainable fuel sources and efficient cooking methods can free up time and resources for households, particularly women who traditionally manage cooking duties.

Project Location and Target Beneficiaries

The project will target communities surrounding Central Forest Reserves in the Tooro Region.

Innovative Solutions

We are open to a wide range of clean cooking solutions that can effectively address the challenge of woody biomass dependence. Proposals might explore:

  • Improved Cookstove Technologies: Introduce more efficient cookstoves that use less fuel to achieve the same cooking results. This could involve promoting existing designs or developing and disseminating locally produced options.
  • Alternative Fuel Sources: Exploring and implementing sustainable biomass fuels like pellets or briquettes made from agricultural waste. This approach could involve introducing new fuel sources or supporting local production initiatives.
  • Behavioral Interventions: Promoting fuel-efficient cooking practices alongside the introduction of new technologies or fuels. Educational campaigns and workshops could empower communities to make informed choices about their cooking habits.

Evaluating Success: Measurable Outcomes

TESSD is committed to supporting solutions that deliver tangible results. The following is a description of how we have planned our success on this project;

  • Cost-Effectiveness: The project can reduce woody biomass consumption per pound of funding allocated.
  • Household Impact: The number of households benefit from the implemented clean cooking solutions.
  • Technical Feasibility and Evidence: our solutions are practical and feasible, supported by existing research or evidence of successful implementation in similar contexts following a pilot project implemented in 2028 in Kiryandongo Village of Kyankaramata Parish in Kihuura Subcounty of Kyenjojo District.
  • Project Completion: we aim to complete the project within one year.
  • Risk Management: We can identify potential project risks and create a clear mitigation plan.

TESSD recognizes the critical need for clean cooking solutions in communities surrounding the Central Forest Reserves in the Tooro Region. Traditional cooking methods, often relying on open fires, contribute to deforestation, respiratory illnesses, and climate change. We propose a multifaceted approach to promote clean cooking technologies and practices, ensuring a healthier environment and improved quality of life for these communities.

Successful Clean Cooking Solutions:

Our approach builds upon successful initiatives implemented in other countries:

  • Improved Biomass Cookstoves: These stoves utilize wood or agricultural waste more efficiently, reducing fuel consumption and harmful emissions.
  • Biogas Digesters: By converting organic waste into biogas, these systems provide clean fuel for cooking and lighting while reducing reliance on firewood and creating valuable fertilizer.
  • Solar Cookers: Leveraging abundant sunshine, solar cookers offer a sustainable and fuel-free option for daytime cooking.
  • Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Stoves: These stoves require access to LPG canisters but offer clean, efficient cooking with minimal emissions.

TESSD’s Proposed Solutions:

TESSD will focus on combining these solutions, considering community needs, fuel availability, and long-term sustainability. Our plan includes:

  • Needs Assessment: Conducting surveys and community dialogues to understand specific requirements and preferences.
  • Technology Introduction: Training workshops on installing, operating, and maintaining chosen clean cookstoves and biogas systems.
  • Local Production: Encouraging the establishment of local production facilities for improved cookstoves, creating jobs and promoting self-sufficiency.
  • Microfinance Programs: Facilitating access to microloans for families to purchase clean cookstoves and biogas digesters.
  • Fuel Availability: Exploring options for sustainable fuel sources, such as biogas or efficient charcoal and briquette production methods.
  • Behavior Change Campaigns: These campaigns raise awareness about the health and environmental benefits of clean cooking through workshops, community events, and educational materials.

Benefits for Conservation Donors:

By supporting TESSD’s Clean Cooking Solutions program, Conservation donors will contribute significantly to:

  • Reduced Deforestation: Protecting the valuable Central Forest Reserves by decreasing reliance on firewood.
  • Improved Public Health: Lowering respiratory illnesses caused by indoor air pollution from traditional cooking methods.
  • Climate Change Mitigation: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by promoting cleaner burning technologies.
  • Empowering Communities: Creating jobs through local production and promoting self-reliance through access to clean cooking options.

Media Coverage and Communication Strategy: Clean Cooking Solutions for Uganda by TESSD

Target Audience:

  • Primary Audience: Communities surrounding the Central Forest Reserves in the Tooro Region (residents, community leaders, women’s groups)
  • Secondary Audience: Conservation donors, media outlets (local, national), government agencies (environment, health)


Raise awareness and increase the adoption of clean cooking solutions in communities surrounding the Central Forest Reserves in the Tooro Region, leading to reduced deforestation and improved health outcomes.


  • Environmental: Protecting the Central Forest Reserves by reducing reliance on firewood for cooking.
  • Health: Clean cooking solutions improve home air quality, improving health for families, especially women and children.
  • Economic: Savings on firewood costs and potential income generation through production or sales of clean cookstoves.

Media Coverage Strategy:

  • Press Release: Develop a press release highlighting TESSD’s Clean Cooking Solutions program launch and its benefits for the environment, health, and communities. Target local and national media outlets.
  • Media Outreach: Pitch stories to local journalists about the program’s impact on families and the environment.
  • Success Stories: Feature local community members who have adopted clean cooking solutions and share their experiences (improved health, reduced cooking time, etc.) through local radio interviews or short video clips (YouTube) for social media.

Communication Strategy:

  • Community Engagement:
    • Organize workshops and demonstrations in villages to educate residents about clean cooking options and their benefits.
    • Partner with women’s groups to promote clean cooking solutions and empower women to champion their use within households.
    • Utilize community networks (e.g., village health teams) to disseminate information and address concerns.
  • Social Media:
    • Create a dedicated Facebook page or social media group to share program updates, success stories, and educational materials (e.g., infographics) on clean cooking and its benefits.
    • Encourage community members to share their experiences and ask questions.
  • Materials: Develop informative brochures and posters in the local language outlining the program, benefits of clean cooking, and available clean cookstove options.

Tailoring the Message for Conservation Donors:

  • Highlight the program’s contribution to forest conservation by reducing pressure on the Central Forest Reserves.
  • Emphasize the measurable impact (e.g., estimated tons of firewood saved) through data collection and reporting.
  • Showcase testimonials from community members about the positive environmental impact of clean cooking solutions.

Monitoring and Evaluation:

  • Track media coverage and engagement on social media platforms.
  • Conduct surveys in participating communities to assess awareness and adoption of clean cooking solutions.
  • Monitor changes in firewood consumption within the target communities.

Additional Considerations:

  • Partner with local clean cookstove producers or distributors to ensure program sustainability and economic benefits for the community.
  • Explore the potential for carbon credit programs to incentivize clean cooking adoption and attract further donor support.

By implementing this comprehensive media coverage and communication strategy, TESSD can raise awareness and encourage widespread adoption of clean cooking solutions in the Tooro Region, leading to a healthier environment and improved well-being for local communities.

Comprehensive budget Breakdown: Clean Cooking Solutions for Uganda

Implementing Organization: Tooro Environment Stewardship for Sustainable Development (TESSD), a reputable entity with a proven track record in environmental conservation and sustainable development

Target Audience: Communities surrounding the Central Forest Reserves in Tooro Region

Donor: Conservation Donors

Total Budget: £300,000

Budget Categories:

  • Fuel-Efficient Stove Distribution (60% – £180,000):
    • Purchase of fuel-efficient stoves (£120,000)
    • Transportation of stoves to communities (£30,000)
    • Stove distribution and installation training for community members (£30,000)
  • Community Outreach and Education (20% – £60,000):
    • Develop educational materials on the benefits of clean cooking solutions (£10,000)
    • Conduct workshops on clean cooking practices and stove maintenance (£20,000)
    • Community outreach events and demonstrations (£30,000)
  • Project Monitoring and Evaluation (10% – £30,000):
    • Develop a monitoring and evaluation plan (£5,000)
    • Data collection on stove usage and forest conservation impact (£15,000)
    • Project evaluation report (£10,000)
  • Project Management (10% – £30,000):
    • Staff salaries for the project coordinator and assistants (£20,000)
    • Office supplies and equipment (£5,000)
    • Monitoring and evaluation travel expenses (£5,000)


Tooro Environment Stewardship for Sustainable Development (TESSD) is a Ugandan organization dedicated to promoting environmental conservation and sustainable development practices in the Tooro region. We have a strong track record of working with communities and stakeholders to implement successful ecological initiatives. TESSD has the expertise and experience to effectively manage the Clean Cooking Solutions project, ensuring compliance with all technical and financial requirements.

TESSD believes that innovative, clean cooking solutions can significantly reduce deforestation and improve the livelihoods of communities in the Tooro region. We encourage interested organizations to submit concept notes that address this critical challenge and contribute to a more sustainable future for the area.


This project can provide significant environmental and social benefits by Reducing deforestation and forest degradation from fuelwood collection, improving air quality and health outcomes in communities, and Empowering women and girls by reducing time spent collecting fuelwood. TESSD can promote sustainable development in the Tooro Region by providing clean cooking solutions and education.

TESSD’s Clean Cooking Solutions program offers a comprehensive approach to addressing traditional cooking methods’ environmental and health challenges in Tooro communities. By adopting successful models and tailoring them to local needs, this program will ensure a sustainable future for both the environment and the people who depend on it.

We invite conservation donors to partner with TESSD to positively impact the lives of these communities and the Tooro ecosystem.