Support biodiversity, healthcare, & local communities! Tooro Environment Stewardship for Sustainable Development (TESSD) is establishing a Herbal Medicine Conservation Center in Fort Portal, Uganda. We need your help to conserve medicinal plants, research their uses, and empower communities.

Tooro Environment Stewardship for Sustainable Development (TESSD) is embarking on an ambitious project to establish a Herbal Medicine Conservation Center in Fort Portal Tourism City, located in Western Uganda.

This center, once established, will become a pivotal institution dedicated to preserving, researching, cultivating, and promoting medicinal herbs native to the region.

Through comprehensive efforts in conservation, research, education, advocacy, cultivation, community engagement, publication, and outreach, TESSD seeks to uphold biodiversity, foster sustainable healthcare practices, and empower local communities, bringing hope for a brighter, healthier future.

Conservation of Medicinal Plants

Conservation lies at the heart of our Herbal Medicine Conservation Center mission. We will identify, document, and protect endangered medicinal plant species through habitat preservation, seed banking, and propagation programs. By establishing botanical gardens and conservation areas, we ensure these valuable resources remain available for future generations.

Research and Documentation

Our center will conduct rigorous scientific research to deepen our understanding of medicinal plants’ properties, uses, and potential applications. We will document traditional knowledge of these herbs, collaborating with local healers and scientists to enrich our database and contribute to global medicinal plant research efforts.

Education and Training

TESSD is committed to knowledge dissemination. Through workshops, seminars, and training programs, we will educate local communities, students, healthcare professionals, and researchers about the importance of medicinal plants. Practical training in cultivation techniques and sustainable harvesting practices will empower individuals to become stewards of their natural environment.

Advocacy and Policy

Advocacy is crucial to effecting lasting change. We will actively engage with local, national, and international policymakers to advocate for policies that support sustainable harvesting, conservation, and ethical trade of medicinal plants. Our goal is to influence legislation and promote practices that safeguard biodiversity and uphold the rights of indigenous communities.

Cultivation and Propagation

Our center will engage in cultivation and propagation initiatives to ensure a sustainable supply of medicinal herbs. We will establish demonstration plots and provide farmers with training and resources to cultivate medicinal plants sustainably. By promoting agroforestry and organic farming practices, we aim to enhance local livelihoods while conserving natural resources.

Community Engagement

Community involvement is not just a part of our approach, it’s the heart of it. We will collaborate closely with local communities, traditional healers, and herbal medicine practitioners to foster mutual respect and understanding. By integrating traditional knowledge with modern scientific practices, we aim to create holistic healthcare solutions that benefit all stakeholders, especially the local community.

Publication and Outreach

Sharing knowledge is critical to our mission. We will publish research findings, educational materials, and informative guides on medicinal plants and their applications. We will raise awareness about the importance of herbal medicine conservation and sustainable practices through media campaigns, exhibitions, and interactive outreach programs.

Listing of Medicinal Plants and Treatment

Our center will maintain a comprehensive database of medicinal plants, detailing their botanical profiles, traditional uses, and potential therapeutic applications. This information will be a valuable resource for researchers, healthcare providers, and policymakers seeking evidence-based information on herbal remedies.

Budget Proposal

Below is a tabulated budget proposal for establishing and operating the Herbal Medicine Conservation Center over the initial phase of three years. All figures are in USD.

Category Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total
Personnel Costs
Salaries and Benefits 50,000 55,000 60,000 165,000
Consultants and Trainers 10,000 12,000 15,000 37,000
Construction and Renovation 80,000 80,000
Equipment and Furniture 20,000 10,000 30,000
Program Expenses
Research and Documentation 25,000 30,000 35,000 90,000
Education and Training 15,000 18,000 20,000 53,000
Advocacy and Policy 10,000 12,000 15,000 37,000
Cultivation and Propagation 12,000 15,000 18,000 45,000
Community Engagement 8,000 10,000 12,000 30,000
Publication and Outreach 10,000 12,000 15,000 37,000
Contingency 5,000 5,000 5,000 15,000
Total 225,000 189,000 220,000 634,000


Final Comments

Establishing the Herbal Medicine Conservation Center by TESSD represents a significant step towards preserving biodiversity, promoting sustainable healthcare practices, and empowering local communities in Fort Portal Tourism City, Uganda. But our vision extends far beyond these local boundaries.

We aim to create a model institution that inspires global efforts in herbal medicine conservation and contributes to the worldwide health and environmental discourse.

With your support, we can make a lasting impact on environmental stewardship and human well-being, not just in Uganda but worldwide. Join us in this transformative journey towards a healthier and more sustainable future.