Tooro Environment Stewardship for Sustainable Development (TESSD) proposes an ambitious five-year initiative to install 100,000 solar home systems in rural communities across Uganda. This project aims to enhance energy access, improve living standards, and foster sustainable development by harnessing solar energy. By addressing these communities’ critical energy needs, TESSD seeks to create a transformative impact on education, health, economic activities, and environmental sustainability.

Project Background

Uganda’s rural areas have limited access to reliable and affordable electricity. Over 70% of the population lives in rural regions with less than 20% electrification. This energy poverty impedes socio-economic development, exacerbates health issues, and contributes to environmental degradation by using kerosene and biomass for lighting and cooking.

TESSD, with its strong commitment to environmental stewardship and community empowerment, recognizes the potential of solar energy to address these challenges. Solar home systems offer a sustainable, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly solution to rural communities’ energy needs. This project aligns with Uganda’s national development plans and international commitments to sustainable development and climate change mitigation.

Project Objectives

  1. Enhance Energy Access: Install 100,000 solar home systems in rural households, providing reliable and clean electricity to approximately 500,000 people.
  2. Improve Living Standards: Enhance the quality of life by improving lighting, enabling access to information and communication technologies, and reducing health risks associated with traditional lighting sources.
  3. Promote Economic Development: Foster economic activities by enabling the use of small electrical appliances, improving agricultural productivity through solar-powered equipment, and supporting local businesses.
  4. Environmental Sustainability: Reduce carbon emissions and deforestation by decreasing reliance on kerosene and biomass.
  5. Capacity Building: Train local technicians in solar technology installation and maintenance, creating job opportunities and ensuring the project’s sustainability.

Project Components

  1. Community Engagement and Sensitization
    • Conduct awareness campaigns to educate communities about the benefits of solar energy.
    • Establish partnerships with local leaders, community-based organizations, and other stakeholders to ensure community buy-in and support.
  2. Solar Home System Installation
    • Procure and install 100,000 solar home systems, each comprising solar panels, batteries, LED lights, and essential appliances (e.g., phone chargers, radios).
    • Ensure trained local technicians carry out installations to maintain high quality and provide immediate support.
  3. Training and Capacity Building
    • Train local technicians and community members in installing, maintaining, and repairing solar home systems.
    • Develop training materials and conduct workshops to build local capacity and ensure long-term sustainability.
  4. Monitoring and Evaluation
    • Implement a robust monitoring and evaluation framework to track progress, assess impact, and identify areas for improvement.
    • Use data collected to refine the project implementation strategy and ensure the achievement of project objectives.
  5. Sustainability and Scaling Up
    • Develop a sustainability plan that includes mechanisms for system maintenance, community ownership, and financial models to ensure long-term viability.
    • Explore opportunities to scale the project to other regions based on lessons learned and success stories.

Implementation Plan

Year 1: Planning and Pilot Phase

  • Conduct baseline surveys to identify target communities and assess energy needs.
  • Establish a project management team and develop a detailed project plan.
  • Pilot the installation of 10,000 solar home systems in selected communities.
  • Monitor and evaluate the pilot phase, gather feedback, and refine implementation strategy.

Year 2-5: Full-scale Implementation

  • Scale up installations, targeting 20,000 solar home systems each year.
  • Continue community engagement and sensitization efforts.
  • Provide ongoing training and capacity building for local technicians.
  • Monitor progress and impact through regular data collection and reporting.

Expected Outcomes

  1. Enhanced Energy Access: 100,000 rural households will have reliable access to clean electricity, benefiting approximately 500,000 people.
  2. Improved Living Standards: Improved lighting and access to information will enhance education, health, and overall quality of life.
  3. Economic Empowerment: Increased economic activities and job creation will boost local economies and reduce poverty.
  4. Environmental Benefits: Reduction in carbon emissions and deforestation will contribute to environmental sustainability and climate change mitigation.
  5. Sustainable Development: Strengthening local capacity will ensure the long-term sustainability and scalability of the project.

Budget Estimate

The estimated budget for the five-year project is $50 million, covering the costs of solar home systems, installation, training, community engagement, monitoring and evaluation, and project management. Detailed budget breakdown is as follows:

  • Solar Home Systems Procurement and Installation: $40 million
  • Training and Capacity Building: $3 million
  • Community Engagement and Sensitization: $2 million
  • Monitoring and Evaluation: $2 million
  • Project Management and Administration: $3 million


The Solar Project for Rural Communities in Uganda by TESSD represents a transformative initiative that addresses the critical energy needs of rural populations. The project will improve living standards, foster economic development, and promote environmental sustainability by leveraging solar energy. TESSD seeks the support of donors to realize this vision and create lasting positive change in the lives of thousands of Ugandans.

Detailed Project Plan


Access to energy is a fundamental driver of socio-economic development, yet millions of people in Uganda’s rural areas remain without reliable electricity. Tooro Environment Stewardship for Sustainable Development (TESSD) aims to address this gap through a large-scale solar energy project. This project will bring clean, sustainable energy to rural households, enhancing their quality of life and promoting sustainable development.

Project Rationale

  1. Energy Poverty in Rural Uganda: Most of Uganda’s rural population relies on kerosene, candles, and biomass for lighting and cooking, leading to adverse health, economic, and environmental impacts.
  2. Health and Safety: Kerosene lamps and open fires pose significant health risks, including respiratory issues and burns, particularly affecting women and children.
  3. Economic Constraints: Lack of electricity limits economic activities, educational opportunities, and access to information, perpetuating poverty.
  4. Environmental Impact: Deforestation of firewood and carbon emissions from kerosene contribute to environmental degradation and climate change.

Project Goals

The primary goal is to improve energy access in rural Uganda by installing 100,000 solar home systems, thereby enhancing living standards, supporting economic activities, and promoting environmental sustainability. Specific objectives include:

  • Providing clean, reliable electricity to 100,000 households.
  • Reducing health risks associated with traditional energy sources.
  • Enabling economic growth through improved energy access.
  • Reducing carbon emissions and deforestation.
  • Building local capacity for sustainable energy solutions.

Project Components

  1. Community Engagement and Sensitization
    • Objective: Raise awareness and ensure community involvement.
    • Activities:
      • Conduct community meetings and workshops.
      • Partner with local organizations and leaders.
      • Develop and distribute informational materials.
  2. Solar Home System Installation
    • Objective: Install 100,000 solar home systems in rural households.
    • Activities:
      • Procure high-quality solar home systems.
      • Train and deploy local technicians for installation.
      • Provide user training to household members.
  3. Training and Capacity Building
    • Objective: Develop local expertise in solar technology.
    • Activities:
      • Train technicians in installation, maintenance, and repair.
      • Conduct regular refresher courses and advanced training.
      • Establish local training centers in strategic locations.
  4. Monitoring and Evaluation
    • Objective: Ensure effective implementation and assess impact.
    • Activities:
      • Develop a comprehensive M&E framework.
      • Conduct baseline, mid-term, and end-line surveys.
      • Regularly collect and analyze data on key indicators.
  5. Sustainability and Scaling Up
    • Objective: Ensure long-term project viability and expand reach.
    • Activities:
      • Develop maintenance and support models.
      • Explore microfinancing and pay-as-you-go schemes.
      • Document and share best practices for scaling up.

Implementation Plan

Year 1: Planning and Pilot Phase

  • Conduct baseline surveys to identify energy needs and target communities.
  • Establish project management team and infrastructure.
  • Pilot installation of 10,000 solar home systems in selected areas.
  • Monitor and evaluate the pilot phase and refine strategies based on feedback.

Year 2-5: Full-scale Implementation

  • Install 20,000 solar home systems annually.
  • Continuously engage communities and stakeholders.
  • Provide ongoing training for technicians and users.
  • Regularly monitor progress and adapt strategies as needed.

Expected Outcomes and Impact

  1. Enhanced Energy Access: Improved access to electricity for 100,000 households, benefiting approximately 500,000 individuals.
  2. Improved Quality of Life: Enhanced lighting, reduced health risks, and increased access to information and communication technologies.
  3. Economic Growth: Empowered local economies through improved productivity and new business opportunities.
  4. Environmental Conservation: Significant reduction in carbon emissions and deforestation.
  5. Capacity Building: Development of local expertise in solar technology, creating sustainable job opportunities.

Risk Management

Potential risks and mitigation strategies include:

  • Supply Chain Disruptions: Establish multiple suppliers and maintain inventory buffers.
  • Technical Challenges: Provide comprehensive training and establish support networks.
  • Community Resistance: Conduct extensive sensitization and involve local leaders.
  • Financial Constraints: Explore diverse funding sources, including microfinancing and partnerships.

Budget Breakdown

  • Solar Home Systems Procurement and Installation: $40 million
    • Cost of 100,000 solar home systems: $35 million