Proposal for Establishing a Model Tourism Village in Kiryandongo LC1, Kyankaramata Parish, Kihuura Sub-County, Kyenjojo District, Western Uganda

Tooro Environment Stewardship for Sustainable Development (TESSD) is committed to fostering sustainable development through innovative environmental stewardship initiatives. We propose the establishment of a Model Tourism Village in Kiryandongo LC1, Kyankaramata Parish, Kihuura Sub-County, Kyenjojo District, Western Uganda. This initiative, with your invaluable support, aims to showcase the region’s unique and rich cultural heritage, stunning landscapes, and diverse biodiversity to create a sustainable tourism destination. By drawing on global best practices from prosperous tourist villages, this project seeks to create a vibrant, economically sustainable community that benefits residents and visitors alike.

Tourism has proven to be a powerful tool for economic development, particularly in rural areas where traditional economic activities may be limited. A well-planned tourism village cannot only stimulate local economies but also create a significant number of jobs, fostering cultural preservation. Kiryandongo LC1, with its diverse natural attractions and cultural heritage, offers an ideal location for such a development. This proposal outlines the vision, objectives, strategies, and expected outcomes for establishing a Model Tourism Village, drawing insights from best practices in renowned tourist villages worldwide.

Tooro Environment Stewardship for Sustainable Development (TESSD) is a staunch advocate for sustainable tourism, species conservation, and the creation of alternative income sources for communities living near protected areas. We are thrilled to present our proposal to establish a Model Tourism Village in Kiryandongo LC1, Kyankaramata Parish, Kihuura Sub-County, Kyenjojo District, Western Uganda. This project is a testament to our commitment to joining the power of sustainable tourism to significantly enhance the lives of the local community while conserving the natural environment of the Matiri-Rwibaale Central Forest Reserve. With your generous support, we aim to create a model that can be replicated in other regions, fostering a harmonious balance between environmental stewardship and socio-economic development.


The Matiri-Rwibaale Central Forest Reserve is a crucial ecological area, home to a diverse range of flora and fauna. However, the local community is grappling with significant socio-economic challenges, including limited income sources and a lack of sustainable development opportunities. By capitalizing on the area’s rich biodiversity and cultural heritage, we believe establishing a Model Tourism Village will provide a comprehensive solution to these challenges, promoting conservation and enhancing livelihoods.


The primary objectives of the Model Tourism Village project are:

  1. Sustainable Tourism Development: Create a sustainable tourism model that attracts visitors while preserving the natural environment.
  2. Species Conservation: Implement conservation initiatives to protect the biodiversity of the Matiri-Rwibaale Central Forest Reserve.
  3. Alternative Income Sources: Provide alternative income-generating opportunities for the local community, reducing dependency on forest resources.

Project Rationale

1. Sustainable Tourism Development

Sustainable tourism is a powerful tool for conservation and community development. By developing a tourism village, we aim to:

  • Attract Eco-Tourists: Promote the village as a destination for eco-tourists who value nature and sustainability.
  • Cultural Heritage: Showcase the rich cultural heritage of the local community, including traditional crafts, music, and dance.
  • Community Involvement: Engage the local community in tourism activities, ensuring equitable distribution of benefits.

2. Species Conservation

The Matiri-Rwibaale Central Forest Reserve is home to various species of plants and animals. Conservation efforts will focus on:

  • Habitat Protection: Implementing measures to protect critical habitats within the forest reserve.
  • Wildlife Monitoring: Establishing a wildlife monitoring program to track the health and population of critical species.
  • Environmental Education: Educating the local community and visitors about the importance of biodiversity conservation.

3. Alternative Income Sources

To reduce the pressure on forest resources, we will develop alternative income-generating activities, including:

  • Eco-Friendly Agriculture: Promoting sustainable agricultural practices that do not harm the environment.
  • Handicrafts and Artisanal Products: Supporting the production and marketing of traditional crafts.
  • Community-Based Tourism Enterprises: Encouraging the establishment of community-owned tourism businesses, such as homestays, guided tours, and cultural experiences.

Inspirational Case Studies

To further illustrate the potential success of our proposed Model Tourism Village, we draw inspiration from other successful projects:

Case Study 1: Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania

The Ngorongoro Conservation Area is a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its innovative approach to balancing conservation and human habitation. The area’s success lies in its integrated management of wildlife and human activities, promoting eco-tourism while ensuring the sustainable use of natural resources. The benefits to the local Maasai community include improved livelihoods, education, and healthcare services funded through tourism revenues.

Case Study 2: Cofan Community, Ecuador

The Cofan indigenous community in Ecuador has successfully developed a community-based tourism model highlighting their rich cultural heritage and pristine rainforest environment. By offering guided tours, cultural experiences, and eco-lodges, the Cofan people have created a sustainable income source that supports their conservation efforts and strengthens their cultural identity.

Case Study 3: Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya

Lake Nakuru National Park is renowned for its successful wildlife conservation programs, particularly for the endangered Rothschild giraffe and black rhino. The park’s community outreach initiatives have fostered a strong sense of stewardship among residents, who benefit from tourism-related employment and development projects funded by park revenues.


Case Study 4: Bhutan: Community-Based Tourism

Key Practices:

  • Community Involvement: Engage local communities in decision-making processes.
  • Cultural Integration: Incorporate local traditions, crafts, and festivals into tourism activities.
  • Sustainable Practices: Emphasize low-impact tourism to protect the environment.

Implementation in Kiryandongo:

  • Establish a community tourism committee to oversee the project’s development.
  • Develop cultural experiences such as traditional dance performances, storytelling sessions, and craft workshops.
  • Promote eco-friendly accommodations and tour operations.

Case Study 5: Gimmelwald, Switzerland: Sustainable Tourism

Key Practices:

  • Eco-Friendly Infrastructure: Use sustainable materials and technologies in construction.
  • Local Products: Promote the sale of locally produced goods and organic foods.
  • Nature Conservation: Implement strict guidelines to protect natural landscapes.

Implementation in Kiryandongo:

  • Construct eco-lodges using sustainable materials like bamboo and recycled wood.
  • Create a marketplace for local artisans and farmers to sell their products.
  • Develop nature trails and conservation programs to protect local flora and fauna.

Case Study 6: Hallstatt, Austria: Cultural and Natural Harmony

Key Practices:

  • Historic Preservation: Protect and restore historical buildings and sites.
  • Tourist Education: Provide information on local history and environmental conservation.
  • Balance Tourism and Livelihoods: Ensure tourism does not disrupt local life.

Implementation in Kiryandongo:

  • Restore and preserve historical sites and traditional homes in the village.
  • Set up visitor centers with educational materials on Tooro culture and the local environment.
  • Establish guidelines to balance tourism activities with community needs.

Project Components

The Model Tourism Village in Kiryandongo will comprise several critical components to maximize economic, cultural, and environmental benefits.

  1. Eco-Lodges and Homestays

Eco-lodges and homestays will offer tourists authentic experiences while providing locals with a sustainable source of income. These accommodations will be built using eco-friendly materials and designed to blend seamlessly with the natural environment.


  • Training programs for locals on hospitality management.
  • Partnerships with eco-friendly construction firms.
  • Marketing initiatives to attract eco-conscious travelers.
  1. Cultural and Heritage Centers

Cultural and heritage centers will showcase the rich traditions of the Tooro people. These centers will host cultural performances, craft workshops, and exhibitions on local history and traditions.


  • Collaboration with local artists and historians.
  • Development of cultural festivals and events.
  • Creation of interactive exhibits and workshops.
  1. Sustainable Agriculture and Crafts Marketplace

A marketplace will be established to sell local produce, crafts, and other goods. This will provide local farmers and artisans an income and offer tourists a unique shopping experience.


  • Training programs on sustainable farming and crafting techniques.
  • Marketing and branding initiatives for local products.
  • Infrastructure development for market stalls and storage facilities.
  1. Environmental Conservation Programs

Environmental conservation programs will protect the region’s biodiversity and promote sustainable practices among tourists and locals.


  • Establishment of nature trails and bird-watching spots.
  • Conservation education programs in local schools.
  • Partnerships with environmental NGOs for conservation projects.
  1. Tourist Infrastructure Development

To support the influx of tourists, essential infrastructure such as roads, water supply, and sanitation facilities will be developed or upgraded.


  • Collaboration with government and private sector partners.
  • Investment in renewable energy sources like solar power.
  • Development of waste management and recycling systems.

Community Involvement and Capacity Building

Community involvement is crucial for the success and sustainability of the Model Tourism Village. TESSD will implement capacity-building programs to ensure locals have the necessary skills and knowledge.


  • Training Workshops: Conduct workshops on tourism management, customer service, and sustainable practices.
  • Entrepreneurship Programs: Support local entrepreneurs in developing tourism-related businesses.
  • Stakeholder Meetings: Regular meetings with community members to gather feedback and make collaborative decisions.

Marketing and Promotion Strategy

A comprehensive marketing and promotion strategy will be developed to attract tourists and promote Kiryandongo LC1 as a premier tourism destination.

Key Strategies:

  • Digital Marketing: Utilize social media, websites, and online travel platforms to reach a global audience.
  • Partnerships: Collaborate with travel agencies, tour operators, and influencers to promote the village.
  • Public Relations: Engage with media outlets to feature stories about Kiryandongo and its unique offerings.
  • Local Festivals and Events: Organize and promote local festivals to attract visitors and showcase cultural heritage.

Monitoring and Evaluation

TESSD will implement a robust monitoring and evaluation framework to ensure the project’s success and sustainability. This will involve regular assessments of economic, social, and environmental impacts.


  • Baseline Surveys: Conduct surveys to establish baseline data on key indicators.
  • Regular Reporting: Provide quarterly and annual reports to stakeholders and donors.
  • Feedback Mechanisms: Establish channels for tourists and locals to provide feedback.

Expected Outcomes

Establishing the Model Tourism Village in Kiryandongo LC1 will significantly benefit the local community and the environment. Key outcomes include:

  1. Economic Growth: Increased income and employment opportunities for residents.
  2. Cultural Preservation: Enhanced appreciation and preservation of Tooro cultural heritage.
  3. Environmental Conservation: Improved conservation of local natural resources and biodiversity.
  4. Community Development: Upgraded infrastructure and improved living standards for residents.
  5. Tourism Development: Establishment of Kiryandongo LC1 as a leading sustainable tourism destination.

Budget Proposal for the Establishment of a Model Tourism Village in Kiryandongo LC1

Project Overview

Project Name: Model Tourism Village Establishment
Location: Kiryandongo LC1, Kyankaramata Parish, Kihuura Sub-County, Kyenjojo District, Western Uganda
Primary Objective: Ensure sustainable tourism, species conservation, and alternative income sources for the local community near Matiri-Rwibaale Central Forest Reserve.

Detailed Budget Request

Category Description Unit Cost (USD) Quantity Total Cost (USD)
1. Infrastructure Development
Land Acquisition Purchase of land for the tourism village 5,000 One plot 5,000
Construction of Eco-Lodges Building ten eco-friendly lodges 10,000 Ten lodges 100,000
Community Center Construction of a community center for training and meetings 20,000 One center 20,000
Solar Power Installation Solar panels and battery systems for eco-lodges and community center 5,000 11 units 55,000
Water Supply System Installation of a clean water supply system 15,000 One system 15,000
Waste Management System Setting up a sustainable waste management system 10,000 One system 10,000
2. Training and Capacity Building
Sustainable Tourism Workshops Training locals in sustainable tourism practices 2,000 Five workshops 10,000
Species Conservation Training Workshops on conservation methods and practices 2,000 Five workshops 10,000
Alternative Income Training Training on alternative income sources (e.g., crafts, guiding) 2,000 Five workshops 10,000
3. Community Engagement and Awareness
Community Meetings Regular meetings to engage community members 500 12 meetings 6,000
Promotional Materials Brochures, posters, and other materials to promote the village 1,000 1 set 1,000
4. Operational Costs
Salaries for Project Staff Project manager, trainers, and support staff 30,000 One year 30,000
Monitoring and Evaluation Regular assessment of project progress and impact 5,000 One year 5,000
Transportation Vehicles and fuel for project-related travel 10,000 One year 10,000
5. Contingency
Contingency Fund Reserve for unexpected expenses 10,000 One fund 10,000
Total Estimated Budget 347,000

Budget Justification

  1. Infrastructure Development: Critical for establishing the physical presence of the tourism village, ensuring it is eco-friendly and sustainable.
  2. Training and Capacity Building: Equips local community members with the necessary skills for sustainable tourism and conservation.
  3. Community Engagement and Awareness: Ensures active participation and buy-in from the community, promoting the project’s long-term success.
  4. Operational Costs: Covers the essential costs of running the project and monitoring its impact.
  5. Contingency: Provides a buffer for unexpected expenses to ensure the project’s smooth execution.

With this detailed budget, Tooro Environment Stewardship for Sustainable Development (TESSD) seeks donor support to realize the vision of a Model Tourism Village that can serve as a beacon of sustainable development and conservation in Western Uganda.

Final Comments

The Model Tourism Village in Kiryandongo LC1 represents a transformative opportunity for sustainable development in Kyenjojo District. This project will create a vibrant, sustainable tourism destination that benefits the local community and the environment by leveraging the region’s cultural and natural assets and drawing on best practices from prosperous tourist villages globally. TESSD seeks support. Establishing a Model Tourism Village in Kiryandongo LC1 presents a unique opportunity to promote sustainable tourism, conserve biodiversity, and improve the livelihoods of the local community. By drawing inspiration from successful projects in other tourist villages, we are confident in the potential of this initiative to create lasting positive impacts. Your generous support will be instrumental in making this vision a reality. Together, we can ensure that the natural and cultural treasures of the Matiri-Rwibaale Central Forest Reserve are preserved for future generations while providing sustainable development opportunities for the local community.

Call to Action

We invite you to join us in this transformative journey. Your funding will support the development of a Model Tourism Village and contribute to the broader conservation and sustainable development goals. Let us work together to create a thriving, resilient community that serves as a model for sustainable tourism and environmental stewardship.