Project Title: Comprehensive WASH Initiative for Sustainable Development

This project concept provides a framework for TESSD to address the critical water security and sanitation challenges faced by communities in the Tooro region. By combining piped water systems, sanitation awareness campaigns, water source protection, and WfP initiatives, the project has the potential to create a lasting positive impact on the lives of the target beneficiaries.

Project Locations:

  • Districts: Kyenjojo, Kamwenge, Fort Portal, Kyegegwa, Bunyangabu
  • Refugee Host Communities: Kyaka II, Rwamwanja

Project Duration: 3 Years

Project Objectives:

  1. To provide sustainable piped water supply systems to communities in dire need.
  2. To conduct sanitation awareness campaigns to improve public health.
  3. To implement existing water source protection measures to ensure the longevity and purity of water resources.
  4. To identify opportunities and constraints for developing Water for Production infrastructure to enhance agricultural productivity.

Project Activities:

  • Baseline assessment: Conduct a baseline assessment to determine the current status of water access, sanitation facilities, hygiene practices, and water resource management in the target communities.
  • Community mobilization and engagement: Work with local communities to form Water User Committees (WUCs) and train them on piped water system operation and maintenance.
  • Construction of piped water systems: Construct and install piped water systems in selected communities, ensuring equitable access for all community members.
  • Sanitation awareness campaigns: Organize workshops and campaigns to educate communities on the importance of sanitation and hygiene practices, including proper latrine use, handwashing with soap, and menstrual hygiene management (MHM).
  • Water source protection: Implement measures to protect existing water sources, such as fencing, spring box construction, and watershed management activities.
  • Water for Production (WfP) initiatives: Conduct studies to identify opportunities and constraints for developing WfP infrastructure, such as rainwater harvesting systems, small-scale irrigation systems, and efficient watering technologies. Based on the feasibility studies, pilot these solutions in select communities.

Expected Outcomes:

  • Increased knowledge and practice of good sanitation and hygiene behaviors.
  • Reduction in the incidence of preventable diseases related to poor sanitation.
  • Enhanced community engagement in promoting public health.
  1. Implementation of Water Source Protection Measures


  • Identify and map existing water sources in the target areas.
  • Develop and implement protection plans for these water sources, including reforestation, construction of protective barriers, and pollution control measures.
  • Train local communities on water source protection and sustainable practices.

Expected Outcomes:

  • Improved quality and sustainability of water sources.
  • Increased community awareness and involvement in water conservation.
  • Long-term availability of clean water for all uses.
  1. Water for Production Initiatives


  • Conduct feasibility studies to identify potential Water for Production infrastructure sites, such as irrigation systems and water storage facilities.
  • Develop a plan for the construction and management of these infrastructures.
  • Train farmers on efficient water use and modern agricultural techniques to maximize the benefits of the water for production infrastructure.

Expected Outcomes:

  • Enhanced agricultural productivity and food security.
  • Increased resilience of communities to climate change and water scarcity.
  • Sustainable management of water resources for agricultural use.

Implementation Strategy:

  1. Partnership and Collaboration:
    • Collaborate with local governments, international NGOs, and community-based organizations to leverage resources and expertise.
    • Engage with local leaders and stakeholders to ensure community buy-in and participation.
  2. Capacity Building:
    • Provide training and support to local communities and management committees to ensure the sustainability of the project interventions.
    • Develop a monitoring and evaluation framework to track progress and impact.
  3. Sustainability Measures:
    • Establish mechanisms for maintaining and upkeep water supply and sanitation facilities.
    • Promote community ownership and responsibility by forming user groups and committees.


  • The project will empower WUCs to manage and maintain the piped water systems through training and establishment of user fees.
  • Promote the construction of affordable and sustainable sanitation facilities through community-led initiatives.
  • Raise awareness on protecting water sources and empower communities to participate in watershed management activities.
  • Collaborate with local government and other stakeholders to ensure the long-term sustainability of the WfP initiatives.

Budget and Resources:

A detailed budget will be developed based on each target area’s specific needs and conditions, including costs for infrastructure development, training and capacity building, and ongoing maintenance and support.

Monitoring and Evaluation:

Regular monitoring and evaluation will be conducted to assess the progress and impact of the project. Key performance indicators (KPIs) will include:

  • Number of households with access to piped water.
  • Reduction in water-borne and sanitation-related diseases.
  • Number of people trained in WASH practices.
  • Increase in agricultural productivity due to water for production initiatives.

WASH Project Budget for Tooro Environment Stewardship for Sustainable Development (TESSD)

  1. Piped Water Supply Systems

Description: Introducing piped water supply systems in the target communities.

  • Planning and Design: USD 50,000
  • Materials (pipes, pumps, tanks, etc.): USD 250,000
  • Construction and Installation: USD 200,000
  • Labor Costs: USD 150,000
  • Maintenance Training: USD 20,000
  • Contingency (10%): USD 67,000

Total: USD 737,000

  1. Sanitation Awareness Campaigns

Description: Conducting sanitation awareness campaigns to educate the communities on hygiene practices.

  • Campaign Planning: USD 10,000
  • Educational Materials (flyers, posters, etc.): USD 5,000
  • Workshops and Training Sessions: USD 15,000
  • Field Workers and Trainers’ Salaries: USD 20,000
  • Transportation: USD 10,000
  • Media Campaigns (radio, social media, etc.): USD 10,000
  • Contingency (10%): USD 7,000

Total: USD 77,000

  1. Implementation of Existing Water Source Protection Measures

Description: Enhancing and protecting existing water sources.

  • Assessment and Planning: USD 20,000
  • Materials (fencing, signage, etc.): USD 30,000
  • Labor Costs: USD 40,000
  • Community Training: USD 10,000
  • Monitoring and Evaluation: USD 15,000
  • Contingency (10%): USD 11,500

Total: USD 126,500

  1. Water for Production Initiatives

Description: Identifying opportunities and constraints for developing Water for Production infrastructure.

  • Feasibility Studies and Surveys: USD 30,000
  • Planning and Design: USD 40,000
  • Pilot Projects (small-scale implementations): USD 50,000
  • Community Consultations and Workshops: USD 20,000
  • Reporting and Documentation: USD 10,000
  • Contingency (10%): USD 15,000

Total: USD 165,000

  1. Project Management and Overhead

Description: Overall project management, monitoring, and evaluation.

  • Project Management Team Salaries: USD 100,000
  • Office Supplies and Equipment: USD 20,000
  • Travel and Logistics: USD 30,000
  • Monitoring and Evaluation: USD 50,000
  • Miscellaneous Expenses: USD 10,000
  • Contingency (10%): USD 21,000

Total: USD 231,000

Grand Total Project Budget

  • Piped Water Supply Systems: USD 737,000
  • Sanitation Awareness Campaigns: USD 77,000
  • Water Source Protection Measures: USD 126,500
  • Water for Production Initiatives: USD 165,000
  • Project Management and Overheads: USD 231,000

Grand Total: USD 1,336,500


  1. Contingency Funds: Included at 10% for each major component to cover unforeseen expenses.
  2. Geographical Scope: The budget covers activities in Kyenjojo, Kamwenge, Fort Portal, Kyegegwa, Bunyangabu, and the refugee host communities of Kyaka II and Rwamwanja.
  3. Sustainability: Training and maintenance are emphasized to ensure the long-term sustainability of the water systems and sanitation practices.

This budget provides a comprehensive overview of the financial requirements to implement the WASH project effectively across the specified regions, ensuring improved water supply, sanitation, and water management practices.


The Comprehensive WASH Initiative for Sustainable Development by TESSD aims to significantly improve the quality of life for communities in Kyenjojo, Kamwenge, Fort Portal, Kyegegwa, Bunyangabu, and the refugee host communities of Kyaka II and Rwamwanja. By addressing the critical areas of water supply, sanitation, water source protection, and water for production, this project will contribute to sustainable development and public health improvements in these regions.