The Tooro Environment Stewardship for Sustainable Development (TESSD) is a dedicated non-profit organization committed to fostering sustainable development and environmental stewardship in the Tooro region of Western Uganda.

As part of our mission, we aim to empower local communities by enhancing their financial literacy, enabling them to make informed financial decisions that contribute to both their economic well-being and the overall sustainable development of the region. What sets our program apart is working with certified trainers by the Bank of Uganda, which we believe will equip communities with the skills to manage finances, build wealth, and achieve sustainable development.

To achieve this, we seek donor funding for a comprehensive financial literacy training program targeting the districts of Kyenjojo, Kabarole, Kyegegwa, Bunyangabu, and Kamwenge. This program will provide essential financial education to individuals and groups, mainly focusing on economically vulnerable populations, including women, youth, and smallholder farmers.

Need for Financial Literacy in the Tooro Region

In the Tooro region, many communities face significant economic challenges, including high poverty levels, low financial inclusion, and limited access to financial services. These challenges are persistent worldwide, highlighting the urgent need for our financial literacy program.

These challenges are exacerbated by a lack of financial knowledge and skills, which hampers the ability of individuals and families to manage their finances effectively, save for the future, and invest in income-generating activities.

Financial literacy is critical for these communities to break the cycle of poverty, achieve economic stability, and contribute to the region’s sustainable development.

Program Objectives

  1. Enhance Financial Knowledge: Provide participants with a solid understanding of financial concepts and practices.
  2. Promote Financial Inclusion: Encourage the use of financial services and products among underserved populations.
  3. Foster Economic Independence: Empower individuals to make informed financial decisions that improve their economic well-being. This will be measured by an increase in savings rates, a decrease in debt levels, and an increase in the number of individuals engaging in income-generating activities.
  4. Support Sustainable Development: Link financial literacy to broader sustainable development goals, including environmental stewardship and community resilience.

Key Topics to Be Covered

Drawing from expert guidelines on financial literacy training, our program will cover the following essential topics:

  1. Budgeting: Teaching participants how to create and maintain a budget, track income and expenses, and manage their money effectively.
  2. Saving: Encouraging regular saving habits, understanding different options, and setting financial goals.
  3. Banking Services: Introducing various banking services, the importance of having a bank account, and how to use banking services effectively.
  4. Credit and Debt Management: Educating on the responsible use of credit, understanding loans, and managing debt.
  5. Investment Basics: Providing knowledge on basic investment principles, different types of investments, and the importance of investing for the future.
  6. Insurance: Explaining the concept of insurance, different types of insurance, and the importance of protecting oneself against financial risks.
  7. Financial Planning: Teaching the importance of financial planning for life events, such as education, retirement, and emergencies.
  8. Consumer Rights and Responsibilities: Educating participants on their rights as consumers of financial products and services.
  9. Entrepreneurship: Providing basic skills for starting and managing small businesses, including business planning and financial management.

Implementation Strategy

To ensure the resounding success of this program, we have meticulously designed and will implement the following strategies:

  1. Needs Assessment and Community Engagement: Conduct thorough needs assessments in each district to tailor the program to the specific financial literacy needs of the communities. We are engaging local leaders and stakeholders to ensure community buy-in and support.
  2. Curriculum Development: Developing a comprehensive and culturally relevant curriculum based on the identified needs and critical topics. This will include training manuals, workbooks, and interactive learning materials.
  3. Training of Trainers (ToT): Selecting and training a team of local trainers who will deliver the financial literacy training. With international certifications, qualifications, and experience, these trainers have the necessary skills and knowledge to teach the curriculum effectively.
  4. Community Workshops: Organizing community workshops in accessible locations across the five districts. Each workshop will be designed to be interactive and participatory, allowing participants to engage actively and learn through practical exercises.
  5. Follow-up and Support: Providing ongoing support to participants through follow-up sessions, mentorship, and access to additional resources. This will help reinforce learning and ensure participants can effectively apply their new skills. To ensure the sustainability of this support, we will form groups that will grow into powerful savings communities working with financial institutions and local government.
  6. Monitoring and Evaluation: Implementing a robust monitoring and evaluation framework to assess the program’s impact, gather feedback, and make necessary adjustments to improve its effectiveness. This framework will include specific methods or tools, ensuring that we are measuring specific outcomes or indicators.

Our Approach: Collaboration and Accessibility

  • Local Partnerships: We recognize the importance of local knowledge and trust. We will partner with established financial institutions and respected community leaders in the Tooro Region. These partnerships will provide valuable insights into our target communities’ financial needs and challenges. They will also support mobilization and sensitization, ensuring our program addresses their most pressing concerns.
  • Language Matters: We firmly believe that financial literacy should not be a privilege reserved for those fluent in English. We are committed to offering training sessions in the local languages widely spoken in the Tooro Region, such as Rutooro, Rikiga, and Runyankore. This approach fosters inclusivity and ensures that every individual can participate and benefit from the program, regardless of language proficiency.
  • Mobile Learning for Busy Lives: We understand that traditional classroom settings may not be accessible to everyone. We will leverage mobile technology to offer flexible learning options. Participants can access training modules, videos, and other resources on their mobile phones, allowing them to learn at their own pace and convenience.
  • Building Together: Workshops and Savings Groups: Financial empowerment goes beyond individual knowledge. We will organize workshops that promote peer support and knowledge sharing. Additionally, we will establish savings groups, fostering community and accountability as participants work towards their financial goals.
  • Measuring Impact: Investing in the Future: TESSD is committed to continuous improvement. To measure the program’s effectiveness, we will conduct post-training evaluations. This data and success stories or testimonials from participants and beneficiaries will be invaluable in assessing the program’s impact, allowing us to refine our approach and ensure long-term success.

Investing in financial literacy is an investment in the future of the Tooro Region. With your support, TESSD can equip individuals and families with the tools they need to build a brighter financial future.

This program directly addresses the following donor priorities:

  • Financial Inclusion: By promoting financial literacy, we empower individuals to participate more fully in the economic system.
  • Sustainable Development: Financial security allows individuals and families to invest in their education, health, and future generations, contributing to long-term sustainable development.
  • Community Empowerment: The program fosters community and collaboration, promoting collective well-being.

Budgetary Estimate

Below is a budgetary estimate for the financial literacy training program, which will run for 12 months across the five districts:

Item Cost (USD)
Needs Assessment and Community Engagement 5,000
Curriculum Development 8,000
Training of Trainers (ToT) 10,000
Community Workshops 40,000
Workshop Materials and Supplies 10,000
Follow-up and Support 15,000
Monitoring and Evaluation 7,000
Program Management and Administration 15,000
Total 110,000


Final Comments

The Tooro Environment Stewardship for Sustainable Development (TESSD) is dedicated to impacting the financial well-being of communities in the Tooro region. Through our financial literacy training program, we aim to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to manage their finances effectively, achieve economic independence, and contribute to the sustainable development of their communities.

TESSD, Environment Stewardship for Sustainable Development, is proud to present a comprehensive financial literacy training program to empower individuals and families in the Tooro Region of Western Uganda. This program tackles the crucial challenge of economic illiteracy, equipping participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to manage their finances effectively and achieve their long-term goals.

We invite donors and partners to support this vital initiative, helping us to empower the people of Tooro and create a brighter, more sustainable future for all. Your support will make a significant difference in the lives of many, fostering resilience and economic prosperity in this beautiful region of Western Uganda.

Join TESSD in empowering the Tooro Region. Together, we can build a future of financial security and prosperity.