
The Tooro Environment Stewardship for Sustainable Development (TESSD) is a non-governmental organization (NGO) based in Fort Portal, Uganda. Established with a mission to promote environmental stewardship, sustainable development, and community empowerment in the Tooro region, TESSD is dedicated to addressing the pressing environmental challenges that face our communities while fostering sustainable livelihoods. This proposal seeks funding to support our organization’s general and operational needs, enabling us to run our head office and implement our programs effectively.

Organizational Background

TESSD was founded in 2015 by passionate environmentalists and development practitioners who recognized the urgent need for coordinated action to address environmental degradation and promote sustainable practices in the Tooro region. Our organization operates under the guiding principles of environmental stewardship, community participation, sustainability, and equity. Over the years, TESSD has built a strong reputation for its work in conservation, climate change mitigation, environmental education, and community development.

Vision and Mission

Vision: A thriving Tooro region where communities live harmoniously with nature and enjoy sustainable livelihoods.

Mission: To promote environmental stewardship and sustainable development through education, advocacy, and community-driven initiatives.

Core Values:

  • Environmental Stewardship: We believe in the responsible management and protection of the environment through conservation and sustainable practices.
  • Community Participation: We engage and empower local communities to actively participate in environmental conservation and development.
  • Sustainability: We strive for long-term solutions that balance environmental, social, and economic needs.
  • Equity: We are committed to fairness and inclusivity in all our programs and initiatives.

Key Areas for Support

To achieve our mission and sustain our operations, TESSD requires funding for several key areas:

  1. Office Rent
  2. Salaries
  3. Internet and Communication
  4. Computers and Office Equipment
  5. Capacity Building
  6. Volunteer Support
  7. Operational Costs
  1. Office Rent

A dedicated office space is crucial for TESSD to coordinate its activities, host meetings, and provide a central location for staff and volunteers. Our office in Fort Portal serves as the hub for our operations, allowing us to plan and implement our programs efficiently. The cost of renting this office is a significant part of our operational budget, and securing funds for this purpose will ensure that we have a stable and professional environment from which to work.


  • Monthly Rent: $500
  • Annual Rent: $6,000
  1. Salaries

Offering competitive salaries is essential to attract and retain qualified staff. Our team consists of experienced professionals who are dedicated to advancing our mission. Salaries cover the compensation for our core staff, including project managers, environmental educators, administrative personnel, and support staff. Investing in our human resources ensures we have the expertise and capacity to deliver high-quality programs and services.


  • Executive Director: $1,200/month
  • Program Manager: $1,000/month
  • Environmental Educator: $800/month
  • Administrative Assistant: $600/month
  • Support Staff: $400/month

Total Annual Salaries: $48,000

  1. Internet and Communication

Reliable internet and communication systems are vital for the smooth operation of TESSD. These tools enable us to stay connected with our stakeholders, access information, and efficiently coordinate our activities. Funding in this area will cover the costs of internet services, phone bills, and other communication-related expenses.


  • Monthly Internet and Communication: $200
  • Annual Internet and Communication: $2,400
  1. Computers and Office Equipment

Having up-to-date computers and office equipment is essential for our staff to perform their duties effectively. This includes purchasing computers, printers, software, and other necessary office supplies. Equipping our office with the right tools will enhance productivity and enable us to manage our projects more efficiently.


  • Computers (5 units @ $800 each): $4,000
  • Printer: $500
  • Office Supplies: $1,500
  • Software Licenses: $1,000

Total: $7,000

  1. Capacity Building

Continuous capacity building for our staff and volunteers is crucial for maintaining high-performance standards and adapting to new challenges. This includes training programs, workshops, seminars, and other professional development opportunities. Investing in capacity building ensures our team has the latest environmental conservation and sustainable development knowledge and skills.


  • Training Programs: $3,000
  • Workshops and Seminars: $2,000
  • Professional Development: $1,000

Total: $6,000

  1. Volunteer Support

Volunteers play a critical role in our organization, bringing enthusiasm, skills, and additional workforce to our projects. To attract and retain volunteers, we must provide support regarding transportation, meals, and accommodations where necessary. Ensuring our volunteers are well-supported and appreciated will help us build a solid and committed volunteer base.


  • Volunteer Transportation: $2,000
  • Meals and Accommodations: $3,000
  • Volunteer Training and Orientation: $1,000

Total: $6,000

  1. Operational Costs

Operational costs include utilities, office maintenance, and other day-to-day expenses required to keep our office running smoothly. This category also covers expenses related to project implementation, such as field visits, community meetings, and other logistical needs. Securing funding for these costs will ensure that our operations are not interrupted and that we can continue to deliver our programs effectively.


  • Utilities: $1,500
  • Office Maintenance: $1,500
  • Field Visits and Logistics: $3,000
  • Miscellaneous: $1,000

Total: $7,000

Total Annual Budget Requirement

  • Office Rent: $6,000
  • Salaries: $48,000
  • Internet and Communication: $2,400
  • Computers and Office Equipment: $7,000
  • Capacity Building: $6,000
  • Volunteer Support: $6,000
  • Operational Costs: $7,000

Grand Total: $82,400

Impact of Funding

Securing funding for these critical areas will profoundly impact TESSD’s ability to fulfill its mission. With a stable and well-equipped office, competitive salaries for our dedicated staff, reliable communication systems, and ongoing capacity building, we will be able to:

  • Enhance our program delivery and expand our reach to more communities.
  • Strengthen our organizational capacity and operational efficiency.
  • Foster a positive and professional work environment for our staff and volunteers.
  • Build stronger relationships with our stakeholders, including community members, government agencies, and other partners.
  • Increase our impact on environmental conservation and sustainable development in the Tooro region.


TESSD is at a critical juncture in its growth and development. The support of donors like you is essential for us to continue our work and achieve our vision of a thriving Tooro region where communities live in harmony with nature and enjoy sustainable livelihoods. By investing in our general and operational needs, you will be contributing to the long-term success and sustainability of our organization. We are confident that, with your support, we can make a significant difference in the lives of the people and the environment we serve.

We thank you for considering our request and look forward to the opportunity to work together towards a sustainable future for the Tooro region.


  1. Organizational Structure
  1. Board of Directors: Provides strategic oversight and governance.
  2. Executive Director: Responsible for overall leadership and management.
  3. Program Manager: Oversees program planning and implementation.
  4. Environmental Educator: Leads educational and outreach initiatives.
  5. Administrative Assistant: Manages administrative tasks and office operations.
  6. Support Staff: Assists with various operational needs.
  7. Volunteers: Support program activities and community engagement.
  1. Program Areas
  1. Environmental Education and Awareness: Conducts workshops, school programs, and community outreach to raise awareness about environmental issues.
  2. Conservation and Biodiversity: Implements projects to protect and restore natural habitats and biodiversity.
  3. Climate Change Mitigation: Promotes sustainable practices and renewable energy solutions to reduce carbon emissions.
  4. Community Development: Supports initiatives that enhance livelihoods and promote sustainable development in local communities.
  5. Advocacy and Policy: Engages with policymakers and stakeholders to influence environmental policies and practices.
  1. Success Stories
  • Project Green Schools: Established environmental clubs in 20 schools, reaching over 2,000 students with environmental education.
  • Community Tree Planting Initiative: In partnership with local communities, over 10,000 trees were planted, contributing to reforestation and carbon sequestration.
  • Clean Energy Program: Installed solar panels in 50 households, providing clean and reliable energy to off-grid communities.
  1. Financial Management

TESSD adheres to strict financial management practices to ensure transparency and accountability. Our economic systems are designed to track and report on all expenditures, and we conduct regular audits to maintain the integrity of our financial operations. Detailed financial reports are provided to donors to demonstrate how funds are utilized and their impact on contributions.

  1. Contact Information

For more information or to discuss this proposal further, please contact:

Executive Director
Tooro Environment Stewardship for Sustainable Development (TESSD)
P.O. Box [1234], Fort Portal, Uganda
Phone: [+256 123 456 789] Email: [] Website: []

I appreciate your consideration. We look forward to the possibility of






Tooro Environment Stewardship for Sustainable Development (TESSD)

Organizational Concept Seeking Funding


Tooro Environment Stewardship for Sustainable Development (TESSD) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting environmental protection and sustainable development in the Tooro region of Uganda. We envision a future where Tooro communities thrive harmoniously with a healthy and resilient environment. Our mission is to empower communities through education, advocacy, and capacity building to become responsible stewards of their natural resources.

This document outlines our organizational concept and seeks funding for general operational support to sustain our crucial regional work.

Need and Justification

The Tooro region faces significant environmental challenges, including deforestation, land degradation, and water pollution. These issues threaten the region’s natural beauty and impact the livelihoods of local communities.

  • Deforestation: Rapid population growth and unsustainable land-use practices have led to a constant decline in forest cover.
  • Land Degradation: Overgrazing, cultivation of marginal lands, and soil erosion threaten the productivity of agricultural lands.
  • Water Pollution: Improper waste disposal and inadequate sanitation practices contribute to water contamination, impacting human health and aquatic ecosystems.

These challenges require the dedicated efforts of organizations like TESSD to educate and empower communities to manage their environment responsibly.

TESSD’s Approach

TESSD utilizes a multi-pronged approach to achieve its goals:

  • Education & Awareness: We conduct workshops, seminars, and outreach programs to educate communities on environmental issues, sustainable practices, and environmental laws.
  • Advocacy: We work with policymakers, government agencies, and private sector actors to advocate for sustainable land use, environmental protection policies, and responsible resource management.
  • Capacity Building: We provide training programs for community leaders, farmers, and youth on sustainable agriculture, tree planting, and eco-tourism.
  • Volunteer Support: We encourage and facilitate volunteer involvement in our programs, promoting a culture of environmental stewardship within communities.

Funding Request

To effectively implement our programs and achieve our mission, TESSD seeks funding for general operational support. This support will enable us to maintain a functional headquarters in Fort Portal, the central hub for our activities. The following critical areas require funding:

  • Office Rent: Secure and maintain a centralized office space for staff, meetings, and storing resources.
  • Staff Salaries & Benefits: Recruit and retain qualified staff with expertise in environmental management, education, and community development.
  • Communication & Technology: Ensure reliable internet access, computers, and software to facilitate communication, project management, and online resources.
  • Capacity Building: Cover the costs for training materials, workshops (venue rentals, refreshments), and resource personnel for conducting capacity-building programs for communities.
  • Volunteer Support: Facilitate volunteer participation by covering transportation, accommodation, and training costs where necessary.
  • Miscellaneous Expenses: This includes essential office supplies, printing costs, administrative fees, and other unforeseen expenses.

Financial Management & Transparency

TESSD is committed to responsible financial management and transparency. We have a strong board of directors with financial oversight experience. We will maintain detailed financial records and submit regular reports to our donors.

Expected Impact

With your support, TESSD will be able to:

  • Educate and empower thousands of community members on sustainable practices and environmental awareness.
  • Advocate for improved environmental policies and resource management practices.
  • Increase tree planting initiatives to mitigate deforestation and land degradation.
  • Promote sustainable agriculture techniques to improve food security and income generation.
  • Foster a culture of environmental stewardship among youth and future generations.


TESSD is a passionate and dedicated organization committed to building a sustainable future for the Tooro region. By supporting our operational needs, you invest in the environment’s health, empower communities, and secure a brighter future for future generations. Your generous contribution will allow us to continue positively impacting the environment and the lives of the people who depend on it.

Additional Information

This document provides a high-level overview of our operational needs. We are happy to provide additional information, including a detailed budget breakdown, project proposals, and our annual work plan.

Contact Us

We would be grateful for the opportunity to discuss our work with you further. Please feel free to contact us at the following address:

Tooro Environment Stewardship for Sustainable Development (TESSD)

[Office Address] [Phone Number] [Email Address]